Ecommerce sites without upsell tools

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Ecommerce Sites Without Upsell Tools

Looking for a lucrative opportunity in the ecommerce landscape? Here is a list of Shopify stores currently missing upsell tools(*) like Bold UpSell. Without these tools, they may be missing out on significant additional revenue by not encouraging customers to add complementary products to their purchases.

(*) This list is an example generated using our proprietary database of ecommerce technologies. It does not include every site without an upsell tool. To further refine your leads, additional filters or combinations may be applied. You can explore other technologies or customize targeting to align with your business goals.

Why this matters: Upsell tools like Bold UpSell help ecommerce businesses increase average order value by suggesting relevant add-ons at checkout. If a store lacks these tools, there is a clear opportunity for marketers and consultants to introduce and implement such solutions, generating value for both parties.

Here’s a sample cold email template to get started:

Hi [Name],

I noticed your Shopify store [domain] is not using upsell tools like Bold UpSell. These tools can significantly boost your average order value and enhance customer experience.

Would you like a quick walkthrough of how this can help your business? I’d be happy to discuss more.

Best, [Your Name]

Below is the query used to generate this specific list of Shopify stores missing upsell tools:

      SELECT dn 
      FROM (
          SELECT DISTINCT dn 
          FROM domain_names 
          INNER JOIN domains_technologies ON domain_names.dn_id = domains_technologies.dn_id 
          INNER JOIN technologies ON domains_technologies.tech_id = technologies.tech_id 
          INNER JOIN domains_languages ON domain_names.dn_id = domains_languages.dn_id 
          WHERE technologies.fullname IN ('Shopify') 
            AND `rank` > 0 AND `rank` < 20000000 
            AND dn <> '' 
            AND dn NOT LIKE '%.%.%' 
            AND dn NOT REGEXP '\.(fr|de|it|es|in|ca|uk|ru|pl|be|nl|ch|se|dk|no|fi|cz|pt|za|ng|ke|gh|br|ar|cl|mx|nz|jp|kr|cn|hk|sg|my|sk|at|be|bg|hr|cy|ee|lt|lv|lu|mt|ro|si|sk|rs|ua|by|ge|am|az|kw|ae|sa|qa|bh|om|pk|id|th|ph|vn|tw|org|edu|gov|mil|int|ac|coop|museum|eu|church|faith|bible|ong|gives|charity|foundation)$' 
            AND domains_languages.language_code = 'en' 
            AND domains_languages.language_percent >= 80.0 
          LIMIT 3
      ) AS temp_table
) AS my_custom_table 
    SELECT DISTINCT domain_names.dn 
    FROM domain_names 
    INNER JOIN domains_technologies ON domain_names.dn_id = domains_technologies.dn_id 
    INNER JOIN technologies ON domains_technologies.tech_id = technologies.tech_id 
    WHERE technologies.fullname = 'Bold UpSell'
) LIMIT 15;

Refine your targeting: This query is tailored for Shopify stores but can be adapted to include other ecommerce platforms or specific tools. By customizing the filters, you can focus on businesses that best match your target audience.

Pro Tip: Always verify your leads manually before outreach to ensure they meet your criteria and are likely to benefit from your solutions.

Next Steps: Use findmassleads data and cold email outreach and CRM software to track your outreach efforts. With the right strategy, you can help these businesses grow while building your own consulting pipeline.

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