Find thousands of email addresses from websites for free:

Get publicly available email addresses from a list of domain names in seconds.

Drop up to 10 domain names or urls in the text area above. Make sure there's only one per line.
We take care of empty lines and duplicates.

“He has just downloaded 364,832 emails!”
Click here to see how >>

Hundreds of professionals use our products:

Used correctly, email is still one of the best tools to find customers.
I've personally used it a lot to grow another saas from thin air to $2000 in MRR in weeks.
You already know it but I say it again: personalization and relevancy will always win over mass generic emailing.

Romain Carpentier
Founder of findmassleads | On a mission to help your business grow with data

How can you use this free email finder tool for lead generation?

Find domain names of companies you would like to have as ideal clients. Shopify, Magento, ecommerce websites lacking paid advertising pixels, or maybe web agencies websites... ?

Just drop them in the text area above. Make sure there's only one domain name per line.

(You can copy and paste full urls too. The tool cleans them up and takes care of possible domain names duplicates.)

Don't use it to spam people. Do your research before sending. Only keep good prospects for your product / service. It's a tool to do good. Not to do stupid things. Check deliverability, use SPF and DKIM, be serious about the value you bring, have a good copywriting...

... and you will succeed :) !

We've used cold email a lot with good results. You can do it too.

What else would you like to see? We listen to you :)!

What findmassleads free bulk email finder can do for you:

Our crawlers extract the domain names, language, tech stack, ranking, monthly tech spend, location, contact information, social links - but we release ALL the email addresses of our database FOR FREE here.

You get fresh email addresses from all over the web. No more than 2 months old.

Download your leads as a CSV file.

You also get the pages where we found those emails.

You need something else? Please let us know at

How to find email addresses in bulk?

Just drop a domain list in the blank space above. And then you get the results below. You have the domains, and if you click on one, you get the data: language, location, techs... and email addresses.

Then you can select some email addresses - you can check the source pages - and you click "Export as CSV file" and you can download a CSV file full of email addresses.

findmassleads lets you find email addresses in bulk. This is basically an email database. But not only that, it specializes in technology lookup. So you can also search by technology. But the goal of this page is to help you find email addresses in bulk from a domain list.

First, do you have a list of domain to get the email addresses in bulk from?

It can be a list of domain names. A list of URLs also. You drop in the list and you get the data.

Basically the tool is not free. But you have a free version here. This free email finder gets you email ids, ten by ten, in bulk. This is a free version of the bulk email finder you get as a member of findmassleads.

My name is Roman, I'm the creator of findmassleads. I've built findmassleads as an alternative to BuiltWith or Datanyze.

If you have a very strict budget, I suggest you use this free email finder. But if you want more email addresses in bulk by domain, I suggest you check out the pricing, it's quite cheap.

As a customer, you get an unlimited number of queries each month using the dashboard.

If you want millions of emails, please take a look at the yellow plan.

Also take a look at the free email checker.

So how does it work?

As a free member in the dashboard, the domain lookup is limited to one domain.

When you are a paid member, when logged in, click on "Search by domain", copy and paste your domain list, you wait for a few minutes, and click "Find leads" and you get the data.

In the paid dashboard, you can copy&paste maybe one thousand domains or two, maybe more. Not much more because this is a web interface. But again, as it is unlimited, you can use it multiple times, as many times as you need in fact.

bulk email finder screenshot

If you need like tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of email addresse, for example if you want to integrate with your B2B prospecting system, please contact us to use the API. It's not the same pricing I have to tell you.

For quite an inexpensive subscription - that you can cancel anytime - you can virtually get an unlimited amount of emails. I have some customers who have downloaded hundreds of thousands of email leads.

So let's describe the results quickly.

You have many data points like the language, location, techs, ranking, tech spent and contact information.

Sometimes you get the email addresses found on the website during our crawling step:

bulk email finder results screenshot

I suggest you check the email address. Maybe you'd like to have email ids with the same domain name. In that case, you'll have to double-check the final CSV file, and eliminate the emails you don't want.

Also you can check the source page. It can be very useful to check the context where the email were found.

Then click "Select all pages leads" and click "Export". You get your CSV file.

It's that simple :)!

A quick note about the filters:

Select carefully the filters: the website language, if you want the website to have email or not... etc.

Especially click on "More options" and by default, the top 20 million is selected by default to avoid low quality websites, to get the best leads!

BUT you might want to choose "Any" as the page rank, so that you get results even for domains that are not in the top 20 million. This is important, ok?

findmassleads, a mass email extractor

Just go to the pricing page. You can take one month of subscription and you get unlimited requests to the findmassleads bulk email extractor.

You can unsubscribe when you want by sending us an email at

Final word

I hope you have the information you need! If you want to used findmassleads for free, just use this page. You will be able to extract of email ids manually here.

I hope you get a lot of data and find good potential customers for your product or services :)!


In business, I really believe we have to be a trustworthy and benevolent adviser for our clients for life.

Yes! For life.

This is how we see it: long term.

Here at findmassleads, we do not work on urgent things. We work on important things.

No shiny word. No bling bling. No enterprise jargon.

You are a committed entrepreneur? With ambition and integrity?
We are committed to providing you with useful data. Data which can really help you generate more business sustainably.

Real Engagement!

Romain Carpentier, founder of findmassleads

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