A fresh angle to uncover new leads with similar tech stacks, presented in a matrix of technology usage
Drop up to 100 domain names or URLs in the text area above.
The more domains you provide, the more accurate the analysis will be, and the better the similar leads will become.
Make sure there's only one per line.
We take care of empty lines and duplicates.
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Discover similar domains based on shared technology stacks. Find potential leads and gain insights into the tech usage of your competitors or clients with this easy-to-use, free tool.
Here's an example of how your similar leads results will look:
Get the complete report, no blurred result, when you purchase any findmassleads pro plan.
Simply input up to 100 domain names into the text area above. Make sure each domain name is on its own line.
(The tool will automatically process and analyze the tech stacks for each domain.)
After the analysis, you’ll see a matrix with your domains and their defining technologies. This will allow you to easily compare tech stacks and discover similar domains.
Overall, please, don’t use this tool to spam or annoy people. It's designed to help you discover relevant leads based on shared technologies, so use it wisely. Do your research, identify valuable prospects, and approach them with real insights and personalized offers.
When you focus on real value, you’ll see success! :)
I’ve had great success using tech-based lead discovery, and you can too. It’s all about finding the right tech connections.
What does it do for you? This free tool allows you to quickly uncover domains that share the same or similar technologies, helping you find new potential leads, and why not partners, or competitors with ease. It relies on tech stack analysis to find domains that are relevant to your input domains (copy&paste your domains in the text area above).
Why is this useful? By focusing on domains with similar technology stacks, you can identify new leads with a chance of being relevant to your business or marketing needs. This method helps you target leads with good odds of success in your outreach campaigns.
Essentially, it analyzes the core technologies used by each domain you input. It sorts them out by relevance compared to other random domains. Indeed, some technologies are more "defining" than others with regards to your input domain set. That's why you will see 15 columns maximum and cells that are greener than other ones. The first columns represent web technologies that represent your input domain set the best.
It then searches our database to find other domains that share these defining technologies, calculates a tech stack similarity score, and ranks them based on how closely they match. You can explore these results to discover leads that match your tech stack profile.
Basically the tool is not free. But you have a free version here. This free leads discovery tool gets you some of the first similar domains we find in the findmassleads database. This is a free version of the exhaustive leads discovery by tech stack similarity you get as a member of findmassleads.
Use it for: lead generation and competitor analysis
Try it now to discover leads with similar technologies and boost your outreach strategy
Works best with domains in findmassleads database!
In business, I really believe we have to be a trustworthy and benevolent adviser for our clients for life.
Yes! For life.
This is how we see it: long term.
Here at findmassleads, we do not work on urgent things. We work on important things.
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We are committed to providing you with useful data. Data which can really help you generate more business sustainably.
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Romain Carpentier, founder of findmassleads
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