US websites without chatbots

Here are some companies that satisfy this:

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Examples of American English-speaking websites without a live customer chat technology

Here's a list of leads for which you know with good probability (*) that you could offer them a service to set up a chatbot widget to help them answer quickly to customers' requests and increase their conversion rate. This is a simple and potentially terrific web business idea you can pursue.

(*) Because findmassleads probably does not track ALL the chatbot tools in the world as of , there is a slim chance the lead already uses some chat technology. Look at the chat bots we track on this page or in the dashboard: simply type in one of the chatbot technology/tool/app/saas you know, like Tidio for example, then click on "Suggestions" on the right. This lets you see how we determine whether a potential lead is using a chat technology or not.

That's why I suggest you always do a final pass on the websites to make sure you don't offer to set up a chatbot on a website that already has one!

To start an outreach marketing campaign, here's an example of a cold email template you could use in your favorite cold email tool, specifically designed for owners of American websites without a live customer chat technology:

Write a short cold email that goes like this:

Hi John, just saw you don't use any live chat technology on {their company name}... I'm asking because I've helped three other businesses like yours leverage a live chat bot, without any additional time or resource, to add ~10% new hot leads in their sales pipeline each week. Would you be interested if I show you how for free?

Also, when you purchase the whole findmassleads database (see the yellow plan), here is the complete MySQL query I used, and that you can use too, to output results like you see on this page, plus many other data points. You might tweak it to meet your specific needs:

      SELECT dn 
      FROM (
          SELECT DISTINCT dn 
          FROM domain_names 
          INNER JOIN domains_technologies ON domain_names.dn_id = domains_technologies.dn_id 
          INNER JOIN technologies ON domains_technologies.tech_id = technologies.tech_id 
          INNER JOIN domains_languages ON domain_names.dn_id = domains_languages.dn_id 
          WHERE technologies.fullname IN ('Shopify', 'WooCommerce', 'Magento', 'Stripe', 'PayPal Checkout') 
            AND `rank` > 0 AND `rank` < 20000000 
            AND dn <> '' 
            AND dn NOT LIKE '%.%.%' 
            AND dn NOT REGEXP '\.(fr|de|it|es|in|ca|uk|ru|pl|be|nl|ch|se|dk|no|fi|cz|pt|za|ng|ke|gh|br|ar|cl|mx|nz|jp|kr|cn|hk|sg|my|sk|at|be|bg|hr|cy|ee|lt|lv|lu|mt|ro|si|sk|rs|ua|by|ge|am|az|kw|ae|sa|qa|bh|om|pk|id|th|ph|vn|tw|org|edu|gov|mil|int|ac|coop|museum|eu|church|faith|bible|ong|gives|charity|foundation)$' 
            AND domains_languages.language_code = 'en' 
            AND domains_languages.language_percent >= 80.0 
          LIMIT 100
      ) AS temp_table
) AS my_custom_table 
    SELECT DISTINCT domain_names.dn 
    FROM domain_names 
    INNER JOIN domains_technologies ON domain_names.dn_id = domains_technologies.dn_id 
    INNER JOIN technologies ON domains_technologies.tech_id = technologies.tech_id 
    WHERE technologies.category LIKE '%Chat%' OR technologies.fullname = 'HubSpot'
) LIMIT 15;

It queries the websites that are most likely American and do not currently use chat technology yet. Feel free to adjust any of the fields to fit your business requirements. Then you can always perform another pass on the web dashboard (see the blue plan) to filter even more.

Possible refinement: Refine the tech stack you want your ideal customer to be using, like WooCommerce users who don't have a chatbot for example.

Be as precise as possible to refine your list! In this raw query I present to you on this page, I include Shopify, WooCommerce, or other businesses... But, for instance, Shopify users and WooCommerce are not exactly the same avatars! Why? Because Shopify is a paid SaaS service, whereas WooCommerce is more on the free side.

So select the technology stack that fits your ideal customer profile. It might be a very specific one like ActiveCampaign only for example. Like this, you know they collect emails and do email marketing using ActiveCampaign, which is a paid tool.

Also note that popular technologies like these attract A LOT of users, so don't forget to try and widen the website ranking range, currently set at the top 20M websites in the world, to get even more results. Indeed, you will get more leads if you set a looser range.

You can even try with no ranking condition at all to get "unranked" small brand websites, but the leads might be less quality for you, depending on what you sell. So I guess you've got to find the middle ground here.

Also you may want filter out too big customers, so eliminate highly ranked websites by editing the "0" value rank > 0, especially if you are a startup or solo entrepreneur. Choose rank > 100000, for example.

Note that it's even better if you add a manual filtering pass for each list in order to avoid any potential non-relevant website with regards to what you offer. So yes, of course, I suggest you quickly review the websites by hand, especially before cold-approaching them, for instance.

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